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Pissaladiere (Onion Tart)

PISSALADIÈRE is an open-faced pastry topped with olives, onions, and anchovies

Origin of PISSALADIÈRE: F, fr. Prov (Nice) pissaladiero, fr. pissala preserved crushed and salted fish, fr. pis, peis fish (fr. OProv peis, fr. L piscis) + sala, past part. of sala to salt, fr. OProv salar


Koroneiki olives, Gruyere Cheese slivers, Garlic, Green Onions, Anchovies, Capers, Lykovouno Olive Oil in a Puff Pastry Shell, Arugula, a Green Salad with a French Vinegar and a Greek white wine (2011). Assembled then baked for about 30 minutes.

Photos by Vel Litt on