"Our oil states it has a two year shelf life but in reality, good oil
stored in a cool dark area can taste great even four years later. It
does lose some of the bitterness with the loss of some of the anti
oxidants and tastes more buttery than fresh oil. To some that is an
advantage for some of the uses for olive oil which starts out with a
robust and peppery flavor which is too strong for some. This oil should
be consumed by the end of this year. If you find you cannot consume the
olive oil in short amount of time, refrigerating olive oil is a good way
of slowing the oxidation process down, which is the largest factor in
degradation in quality of olive oil. Enjoy the oil, and if you are not
completely satisfied with your order we will gladly replace or refund
your order."
- Peter Panagotacos M.D; Owner of Lykovouno Olive Oil